Thursday, May 5, 2011

Syllabus - Character and Story

Well when I heard about the class I was so excited. I could hardly believe that I could really take a class like this. I have always had a true passion for comic books and graphic novels but I haven't read tons of issues or trades though. I mostly love the characters, their daily struggles with life, their back-stories, how they fit into their universes, and the stories that they each have to tell. I hope to learn more about everything I can in this class. I want to be exposed to new genres and experiences. I want to discuss them and how they effect the world we live in. Comic book characters influenced me a lot when I was a kid, and I believe that they are a powerful tools we can use to help people want to be better people and live better lives. I believe it could and can be a major influence for good in the media of today. A good character and story can make an impact and change lives forever. That is the power of character and story. I want to learn how to harness that power more successfully so I can be a better influence to those around me.

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