This is a project blog centering on the appreciation of comic books (and related media). It is also a place to organize and receive help in story development. Please respect the privacy of this blog, as well as the ideas shared here, all story ideas are (c) copyright their respective creators.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Mariachi-dachi (working title) - Kevin Merriman
idea 1 = A Mariachi band is hurled back through time, and they find themselves stuck in ancient Japan.
origin - was doodling about 5 years ago, and then the idea just sorta happened in my sketchbook.
idea 2 = All wishes made at special locations are linked and can only come true if two wishes fulfill eachother.
origin - walking past some Mom telling her kid to make a wish on something he through in the pond thing next to the MOA while on my way to this very class a few days ago.. and then bouncing this experience off a friend, in regards to time travel and Mariachi bands.
(1) a dormant wish is awakened and hurls an unsuspecting Mariachi band back through time to ancient Japan.
(2) mariachi band members struggle to hold on to their identity and play their music, since all music throughout the land has been outlawed by an evil Shogun music critic.
(3) the band discovers they must quickly end the Shogun's tasteless tyranny in order to fulfill the wish and return to their own time, before it's too late!!
(4) while the clock ticks, the individual band members scattered throughout the land must fight through all the various Shogun henchmen in order to find themselves and reunite for the final showdown with the Shogun.
(5) while defeating the Shogun, the Mariachi band witness the fulfillment of their own wishes by receiving an additional member(s) to their team, thus completing the missing components to their to-be legendary Mariachi band, thus restoring balance to the universe and the time continuum as we know it.
(1) a shogun-thug with anger issues is beating up some innocent villager when suddenly, a mariachi band appears out of thin air, landing on the shogun-thug and temporarily stunning him...
(2) the shogun-thug comes to his senses, enraged. he quickly summons his underlings and challenges the band to a fight in the middle of town...
(3) the clueless band, surrounded by onlookers, come to the conclusion that a concert is in order, and immediately break into song and dance in typical mariachi fashion. the shogun-thug believes he is being dishonored, and angrily charges at the band with his henchmen.
(4) the mariachi band unintentionally defeat the badguys with foregin hip movements, exotic instruments, and an unconventional/haphazard fighting style...
(5) the villagers rejoice, the bad guys are defeated (one however, runs away out of fear). many wish to become disciples of this new powerful fighting philosophy (but really, it's just your run of the mill mariachi band). though victorious, the mariachi band is somewhat confused and begin to feel a bit out of place.
thanks for all the help guys!!!
style test and stuff
(a) This is a heavily driven event story (time travel is essential)
(b) Primary Conflict - Whether the Mariachi band will fulfill a wish made from someone in ancient Japan or not.
(c) Theme - Helping yourself by helping others.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Orem Library event
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Paul Petty, Space Oddity - Beta
Travis Walton
Sorry this one's so short, I kept forgetting to write this. >_<